Battle site of Carbisdale (1650) -

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The battle of Carbisdale near Culrain was the last battle of James Graham, the 1st Marquis of Montrose, in support of the Royalist cause. Following his defeat at Philiphaugh in 1645, Montrose had fled abroad, only to return in 1650 as the Captain-General of the forces of Charles II. The battle however was a decisive victory for the Covenanter forces arrayed against Montrose, whose forces were routed almost without firing a shot. Montrose, one of Scotland's finest miltary commanders ever,  fled and arrived two days later a broken man at Ardvreck Castle where he sought sanctuary with Neil Macleod of Assynt. The wife of Neil however, betrayed him and shortly after he was taken away by the Covenanters, transported to Edinburgh and unceremoniously executed.