Toward Castle *

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The ruins are still quite substantial, including courtyard with the foundations of buildings, a tower and most interesting of all, the vaulted basement hidden beneath.

In 1646 King Charles was beaten and sought refuge in Scotland. The Campbells, who had been against King Charles's policies, took it on themselves to lay siege to Toward Castle and Asgog Castle.
After fourteen days the Campbells brought up cannon and pounded both castles for a further three days. Eventually the Lamonts had to surrender their strongholds on the written assurance that lives would be spared and were guaranteed safe passage out.

The Campbells however reneged upon their word (sounds familiar) and fell upon the Lamonts, who had lain down their arms. Figures vary of between 100-900 men, women and children were cut down. Sir John Lamont was imprisoned in Dunstaffnage Castle, where he was to stay for five years, and their properties were looted and burned.

Sir John's sister Isobel managed to escape, luckily with the written surrender document, and eventually managed to present her story and proof before the King. This among other crimes resulted in the Marquis of Argyll ultimately being executed for his crimes in Edinburgh 1661.

In 1663 Sir John had his lands restored but the castles were left to ruin as they still stand today.