Carnbane Castle *

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Carnbane is believed to have been built in 1564 by Duncan Campbell of Glenlyon, otherwise known as "Donnachadh Ruadh na Feileachd" or Red Duncan of the Hospitality (a rather unusual style for a Campbell). His date of birth is also unknown, although it is recorded that he died in 1580. Duncan's hospitality was apparently well known, even as far as Ireland. An Irishman, known as the "Bard of Gorrie", paid Glenlyon a visit and stayed at Carnbane. It is recorded that the Laird and the Bard feasted on "A fat bullock, and six wethers, with red deer and other game, were daily provided for in his Hall". It is a wonder that Duncan was not known as Duncan the Gross, if this was his daily table.

Carnbane did not last for long. Shortly after Red Duncan's death the castle was destroyed by "a party of Lochaber men", who shot a burning arrow into Carnbane's thatched roof. Red Duncan's son, Sir Colin (or Mad Colin), does not appear to have restored the castle. Instead, he built Meggernie Castle, further up the glen, in 1582.