Bealach na Ba ***

In this region: >>>>>


This single track road is one of the most challenging drives in Scotland and this particular zone is prone to heavy mist and can be dangerous in low visibility conditions. The route demands 100% concentration and has humbled many egos. From Tornapress the “Pass of the Cattle” leads west to the shores of the Inner Sound. The road (moderately steep sometimes) turns and twists through a starkly beautiful landscape. Weather permitting there are great views from the top!

The village of Applecross (See: SCENIC ROUTES) at the very end is a real treat and from there the coastal road north is another gem, offering wonderful views of the Island of Raasay.

1920s. This was originally a cattle drove road which crossed Meall Gorm from Applecross to Loch Kishorn, rising to over 2000 feet

[source: Highland Colleciton, Edinburgh Central Library]