Battle site of the Bloody Stone (1398) / Isle of Skye ***

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In Harta Corrie a savage battle was fought in 1398 between the invading MacDonalds and the MacLeods who did not acknowledge the claims of the Lord of the Isles. According to legend they fought for the entire day until every MacLeod had been killed. The bodies of the slain were then stacked up around a huge rock which subsequently became know as the The Bloody Stone.

There is however another version of this bloody tale which claims that Harta Corrie was simply used to distribute the spoils. The Bloody Stone can be reached using the Sligachan Path from...Sligachan.

As there is no physical evidence I would 'normally' grade this entry a -. It is however the stunning scenery AND this particular historic "event" that compell me to upgrade to a *** entry!